
发布时间:2021-06-18 来源:http://www.chinafoodjx.com 发布人:admin

膳食养分结构中,蔬果蔬菜是咱们身体必 须摄入的利于新陈代谢等的食物,可是在被咱们送入口中的这些果蔬,真的已经被完全洗洁净了吗?怎么确保咱们吃进去的反而或许成为致病的元凶。
In the dietary nutrient structure, fruits and vegetables are the foods that our body must take in, which are conducive to metabolism. But have these fruits and vegetables really been washed clean? How to ensure that what we eat may become the culprit of disease.
果蔬等食物的食物安 全容不得咱们视而不见,平时咱们水洗的方式关于果蔬的清洁处理未免显得过于简单,能被洗净的也只是附着表面的粉尘,而附着的农药残存肉眼尽管看不见,可是存在感仍是很激烈的,人体一旦摄入过多的化学添加剂,极易导致患上心血管或是致癌的几率上升,越来越多的消费者也逐渐注重起这个问题了,于是果蔬清洗机成为许多家庭必不可少的家电设备,同时也是不少食物行业的配套设备。
The food safety of fruits and vegetables and other foods can't be ignored. Usually, the way we wash fruits and vegetables is too simple. What can be cleaned is only the dust on the surface. Although the pesticide remains invisible to the naked eye, the sense of existence is still very intense. Once the human body ingests too much chemical additives, the human body will not be able to see the pesticide residue, More and more consumers are paying attention to this problem, so the fruit and vegetable cleaning machine has become an essential household appliance for many families, and also a supporting equipment for many food industries.

Fruit and vegetable cleaning machine is an important product in jujube, vegetable and aquatic product line. It is mainly suitable for cleaning and processing of various vegetables, fruits and vegetables. Its cleaning secret is to make full use of ozone sterilization. The oxidizability of ozone plays a great role in disinfection. It can stabilize pesticides, and the cations nearby can separate toxic heavy metal ions from water. In addition, ozone can eliminate peculiar smell, and the fruits cleaned by ozone can be stored for a longer time.
The fruit and vegetable cleaning machine can ensure that all kinds of shape of fruits and vegetables can be cleaned and kept intact, such as apples, potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, taros, etc. any form of food cleaning is difficult to topple the vegetable cleaning machine, leaf or particle type is still with rhizome, even the fruits and vegetables buried in deep soil can be cleaned, which is suitable for the cleaning of all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
Nowadays, the concept of diet has emphasized the importance of food intake and encouraged people to eat more fruits and vegetables. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the safety of food consumption. Otherwise, the intake of food is not only pure nutrients. After all, diseases come from the mouth, and the sanitation of food into the body needs fruit and vegetable cleaning machine, Trust no one wants to live, because of the lack of food safety awareness, it will eventually go bad.

