
发布时间:2018-03-16 来源:http://www.chinafoodjx.com 发布人:admin


  As everyone knows, the dicing dicing machine operation, and all of the blade and the cutter shaft is inseparable, especially the cutter shaft, it is determined the shape, shape of the basic link block.


  In a simple way, if there is a problem on the shaft of the machine, it is necessary to check the overall situation of the cutter shaft, especially the connection between the cutter shaft and the blade. If this part is not flexible, it is necessary to replace the new tool shaft. If it's just some blockage caused by blockage, then just clear them up. In this way, the reoperation advantage of the knife shaft will be restored.

  1、 酒店厨房、职工食堂、学校食堂等使用切肉及的都必须让操作人员来使用切肉机,新员工要经过培训才能上岗操作。

  1, hotel kitchens, staff canteens, school canteens and other cutters must be used by professional operators to use meat cutters. New employees must undergo professional training before going to work.

  2、 在使用设备前要仔细阅读使用说明书,对设备构造、操作方法有所了解,避免因操作失误造成的事故。

  2, before using the equipment, we should read the instructions carefully, understand the construction and operation of the equipment, and avoid the accidents caused by the operation error.

  3、 操作设备时不能戴手套,穿戴整齐合身,操作时要集中注意力,不能粗心大意、马虎。

  3, the operation equipment can not wear gloves, wear neatly fit, the operation should focus attention, can not careless, careless.


  4、 切肉机、切菜机等购买后要放置在平整牢固地面,按照电源类型正确接通电源,完成后检查设备内部不能有任何的杂物,并检查紧固件是否有松动,有的话必须马上做出处理。

  4, carving machine, cutting machine etc. after the purchase to be placed in the formation of a solid ground, in accordance with the correct type of power supply is switched on, after the completion of the internal inspection equipment cannot have any debris, and check whether the fasteners are loose, some words must immediately make a deal.

  5、 检查完毕后要开动机器空转,检查设备是否运转正常、是否有噪音、刀具安装是否。

  5, after the inspection, the machine should be moved to check whether the equipment is running normally, whether there is noise, and whether the tool installation is safe.

  6、 各项检查没有问题就可以开始工作了,食堂一般对肉需求较大,如果切制带骨头的需要选购专用切肉机,一般切肉绞肉机只能切无骨、无筋的纯肉。

  6, the inspection can start without any problems. The canteen usually needs a lot of meat. If you cut the bone, you need to buy a special meat cutting machine. The general meat cutting machine can only cut pure meat without bones and tendons.

  本文的精彩内容来自切丝切片机详细内容请点击我们的网站: http://www.chinafoodjx.com谢谢您的到来!

  The wonderful content of this article comes from the detailed content of the cutting machine, please click on our official website: http://www.chinafoodjx.com thank you for coming!

