
发布时间:2020-07-03 来源:http://www.chinafoodjx.com 发布人:admin

人们为了更好的保护身体的健康在使用蔬菜和水果时都会将蔬菜和水果在水中清洗之后才会食用,但是很多时候,只用清水清洗蔬菜水果是不能将果蔬上的化合残留物清洗干净的,想要将化合残留物清洗干净使用应该怎么办呢?现在很多人会选择购买一个果蔬清洗机来清洗果蔬。现在我们就和宏泰一起来了解一下果蔬清洗机什么都可以洗吗? 它的使用方法又是什么呢?
In order to better protect the health of people, vegetables and fruits will be washed in water before eating, but many times, only clean vegetables and fruits with water can not clean the chemical residues on fruits and vegetables. What should we do if we want to clean the chemical residues? Now many people will choose to buy a fruit and vegetable cleaning machine to clean fruits and vegetables. Now let's learn about the fruit and vegetable cleaning machine together with Acer. Can you wash anything? What is its use?
Fruit and vegetable cleaning machine anything OK
1. Washing fruits and vegetables: it can effectively remove pesticide residues, hormones and preservatives in fruits and vegetables, and the degradation rate is as high as 95%.
2. Wash meat: can effectively eliminate all kinds of hormones, toxins and additives in meat.
3. Grain washing: it can effectively eliminate excessive chromium, pollutants and heavy metals in grains. The removal rate is as high as 90%.
4. Washing tableware disinfection: it can remove bacteria, stains and detergent in tableware
5. Killing eggs: destroy the outer wall of the remaining eggs on the surface of fruits and vegetables and eliminate them.
6. Efficient decontamination: effectively clean the surface of fruits and vegetables, such as sand, dust and stains.
7. Lasting preservation: fruits and vegetables in the detoxification machine after cleaning, in fact, has been mildew proof disinfection, stored in the refrigerator for a longer time, longer preservation time.
How to use fruit and vegetable cleaning machine
1. Before using the fruit and vegetable cleaning machine, it is necessary to read the operation manual carefully to ensure the accurate operation of the machine. At the same time, according to the use requirements of the cleaning machine, check the corresponding accessories and circuits.
2. Before using the machine, wipe the washing basin and shell carefully.
3. Prepare the vegetables and fruits that need to be disinfected. First, wash the fruits and vegetables with running water.
4. Take appropriate amount of water into the washing basin of the machine, then turn on the power supply of the cleaning machine, and select the appropriate gear.
5. Put the vegetables and fruits that have been preliminarily cleaned into the machine and cover the washing machine so that it can complete the steps of cleaning and disinfection of fruits and vegetables.
6. When the cleaning work is finished, take out the fruits and vegetables in the fruit and vegetable cleaning machine, and then clean the fruits and vegetables again with water.
7. Unplug the power supply of the cleaning machine, pour out the disinfectant in the machine box, and clean the machine at the same time.
The above is Acer to bring you about the use of fruit and vegetable cleaning machine knowledge, I hope to help you.

